VIDAS® 3 is a benchtop immunoassay system designed specifically for small to medium throughput testing. Fully automated, it is based on the proven and robust ELFA technology that makes VIDAS a gold standard worldwide for high quality on-demand test results.
- Full traceability
- 100 parameters available in single-test ready-to-use format
- Full connectivity to internal and external networks
- Description
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VIDAS® 3 is the new-generation VIDAS instrument, a brand trusted around the world in immunoassay testing for over two decades. Designed with your lab’s specific needs and workflow in mind, it is equipped with increased automation, traceability and security for greater productivity. VIDAS 3 helps you provide precise and accountable test results for the benefit of clinicians and their patients.
Test securityc
Reduced human manipulation from the sample to the result
- Fully automated pipetor action with single-use, disposable tips to avoid contamination
- Automated calibration and on-board dilution
- Scanning of sample and reagent barcodes upon test loading for complete traceability of all test components
- Integrated quality control management
Lab productivityspan style=”font-size: 17px;”>
- Facilitated lab workflow with a simple answer to complex needs
- Calibration every 14 or 28 days, depending on the parameter
- Bi-directional LIS connectivity
- Minimal maintenance allowing operators to concentrate on higher-level tasks
- Remote access via screen-sharing
Continual access
No startup period
- Temperature-controlled loading bay
- 3 separate racks each containing 3 configurable segments can hold a total of 27 samples, diluents and calibrators
- 4 independent compartments can each run 3 tests
- Up to 36 tests per hour
- Specific management of emergency tests
Fast adoption
- Intuitive touch screen interface
- Streamlined test loading, ensuring standardization within your lab
- Any qualified lab technician can run routine operations
Broad test menu
Over 100 tests in single-test format for the diagnosis of cardiovascular and infectious diseases, cancers, infertility, pregnancy and thyroiditis diseases
- On-demand testing: 1 patient, 1 test, 1 result
- Ready-to-use reagents
- All components needed for the test included in the kit: only 1 order reference per test
- Rapid results: from 17 to 120 minutes
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VIDAS® 3 Instrument Services
- An extensive network of skilled Systems Engineers and Application Specialists for on-site instrument maintenance
- Remote support services via screen-sharing for immediate solutions
Certification support and integrated Quality Control
- VIDAS® validation package for your instrument and methodology
- Support in obtaining ISO 15189 certification
- On-site and off-site training sessions
- E-learning courses
- A wide offer to continually develop your lab’s skills and expertise
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